Abstract Terms
Abstract is written in English (US). The maximum length of the body abstract is 200 words. Abstract contains a title (max. 20 words), full names of all authors, mailing address of institutions of all authors (for correspondence author (s) include a phone number / fax and email), the body abstract (statement, objectives, methods, results and conclusions), and key words (max. 5 words).
Manuscripts Submission
Manuscript submission is conducted electronically through open journal system to:
- Biodiversitas, here: https://smujo.id/biodiv/about/submissions
- Nusantara Bioscience, here: https://smujo.id/nb/about/submissions
- Others; kindly choose here: https://smujo.id/
Manuscripts Term
The manuscript must be written in English (U.S.) on the provided template. The length of manuscript is about 4000 words. The manuscript follows the following divisions: a title, names of authors and institutions, abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions (the last paragraph of the discussion), and references. As many as 80% of references should be of scientific journals published in the last 10 years (Taxonomic literatures are excluded).
- Biodiverstas, Journal of Biological Diversity (Scopus, DOAJ)
- Nusantara Bioscience (ESCI Web of Science, DOAJ)
> Free of charge journals
- Asian Journal of Agriculture
- Asian Journal of Forestry
- Asian Journal of Ethnobiology
- Biofarmasi Journal of Natural Products Biochemistry
- Bioteknologi Biotechnological Studies (DOAJ)
- Bonorowo Wetlands
- Cell Biology and Development
- Ocean Life
- Tropical Drylands
The manuscript will go through an initial assessment by a Scientific Committee and/or a deep assessment by the Guest Editors and then improved by the author(s). Qualified manuscript will be sent to reviewers for further assessment. All manuscripts that have been reviewed will be returned to the author(s) for revision. Revised manuscript will be assessed by Editor-in-Chief for possibility publication in the journals. Meanwhile, the poor quality manuscripts will be immediately declined.